Welcome to my cozy corner of weirdness and well-being.
Hi, I’m Lauren, a Canadian Certified Counsellor, providing therapy to individuals, couples, and teens. I’m equipped with a Master of Counselling degree, and a knack for making the tough stuff feel a little less overwhelming. I firmly believe that often what we really crave is to feel like we belong and that we are enough, especially when the most unloved and neglected parts of ourselves come unravelled and exposed.
Every individual comes to therapy with their own unique story, and I believe those stories are sacred. In order to know where we want to go, sometimes we have to understand where we are coming from and what feels meaningful. This means having the space where you can authentically feel and express the hard stuff in a way that feels safe and genuine. Thus, as your ally on this journey, I aim to assist you in navigating the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that can seem too big to carry alone. Together, we’ll cultivate a safe, imaginative, and nurturing environment to untangle life’s complexities and likely even have some laughs along the way.
I am currently accepting new clients, in-person and online (Canada-wide) for both individual (adult and youth) and couples therapy.

Your story matters
When the why is clear, the how is easy.
Through this process of re-storying, my hope is that you begin to explore new and previously unmet - not to mention dang beautiful and brilliant - parts of yourself. In turn, you can create space to close the chapters that no longer fit or serve you. And maybe, just maybe, you begin to embrace the parts of you that you’d rather tuck away. Because these parts and stories matter too.
My job is to create room for all of your stories. As much as we’d like to turn away from the hard emotions and the parts of our life that are less shiny - visiting them only on the rare occasions - they are not going anywhere. These parts of us, these stories, have also held a purpose. To keep us safe. To help us cope. To protect our hearts.
So, perhaps, our work looks less like erasing the parts of our story that we don’t like, and instead giving our grief, heartache, tears, anger, and fears a seat at our table too. The therapy space becomes a place where ALL of your emotions are valid, and welcome.
Meet Lauren
Click to Learn More

“I have met myself and I am going to care for her fiercely”
Trauma-Informed Movement Groups
Supporting individuals to come back home to themselves is at the heart of my work. It is the greatest gift to be able to do so in both a mental health capacity as a certified counsellor, and in the physical capacity as a registered yoga teacher and trainer.
Throughout the year, I will be offering trauma-informed movement workshops at Being Human Club in Calgary, AB. Based on the trauma literature, these workshops offer a unique pathway to healing in community through weaving together various elements from psychology, neurobiology, somatic therapy, trauma-informed care, and yoga philosophy.
Online Yoga Classes
Practice with me

“We’re all just walking each other home”
Yoga Schedule
Click HERE